Placement TEST
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Grammar, Structure, Vocabulary, Reading comprehension and Writing simple
Инструкция. Тест рассчитан на 30 минут (максимум 60). Он состоит из 3х частей.
Первая часть с 1 по 26 вопрос включительно проверяет Грамматику и знание Структур — нужно выбрать 1 ответ из 4-х вариантов.
Вопросы с 27 по 44 проверяют знание синонимов — задача выбрать наиболее подходящий по смыслу синоним к слову, которое указано в скобках.
Третий блок представлен текстом и вопросами с 45 по 50. Задача — прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы по смыслу текста. Выбор одного варианта из предложенных.
Четвертый блок. Напишите эссе на 150 слов по одной из 3-х тем (вопрос 51).

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1. Some people like sad stories, _________ like stories with a happy end.
2. It was ____ nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
3. This movie is _____ than the one we saw last week.
4. I will give the book to you when I ___ it.
5. Mike ___ two new books this week.
6. Where is Richard? He is at ____ school.
7. What was he ___ when you called him in the evening?
8. Please, ___ me when you live?
9. The money ____ on the table.
10. Who was sent to study in Europe last semester? Jerry and Ann ____.
11. Do you have his number or ___ it up in the telephone directory?
12. I met ____ girl-friend yesterday.
13. We must find somebody to take care ____ the children.
14. She ____ in bed till noon reading a new book.
15. She wondered who _____ the door open.
16. She was made ____ the whole story.
17. Suddenly I ___ a strange noise.
18. There were lights everywhere, ___?
19. The green dress is ____ of the two.
20. There are many nice little eating ____ near our office.
21. Mary ____ to the nearest hospital after the accident.
22. I can’t find my English textbook _____.
23. She ____ to the theatre much lately.
24. When ____ your school friends last?
25. I ____ the report at the moment. It should be ready tomorrow.
26. I didn’t know what ____ for a week.
27. The teacher has to treat all the students (fairly).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
28. When you learn a foreign language, you have to (memorize) a lot of new words.
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
29. When are you planning (to start college)?
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
30. My father’s working hours are (flexible).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
31. You can choose between these two (alternatives).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
32. Knowledge gives people additional (power).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
33. I found the trip most (exciting).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
34. You can have this dress really (cheap).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
35. (I am not happy about) my grades in History.
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
36. What is your permanent (residence) address?
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
37. Parents should help their children (choose) careers.
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
38. He did it (intentionally).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
39. A person in public office should have a good (reputation).
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
40. Why are people so (anxious about) smoking?
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
41. I haven’t been able (to get in touch) with Pr.Stone all day long?
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
42. Are you being well (looked after)?
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
43. It is (prohibited) to smoke in public places.
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
44. You can have (free) access to this web-site.
choose only one word that best explains the meaning of the word in brackets
Read the following text and choose the most appropriate answer to each question after the text.The history of the Olympic Games has always been closely related to the city that holds it. This is because it's the city, and not the country, that makes the bid to hold the Olympic Games. Understandably, the competition to hold the Olympics is fierce as it can bring great prestige and prosperity to the city. From its rebirth in Athens in 1896 to the present day, the modern Olympic Games have gone through many changes. Women were not officially admitted to the Olympics until the Stockholm games of 1912, though they had participated in some events before then. In the ancient games in Greece, women were not even allowed to watch the games, let alone take part. The Olympic emblem is a relatively new addition to the game. The first emblem was designed in 1913, although the five rings weren't included until the Antwerp games of 1920. The five rings represent the union of the five continents of the world and the colors were chosen because at least one of the five colors exists in every flag of the world's nations. 45. Women started to take part in some Olympic events _____ .
46. The Olympic Games are usually hosted by ____.
47. The word “fierce” in the first paragraph means ____ .
48. The Olympic emblem with the five rings first appeared in ____ .
49. Paragraph 3 suggests that every nation is represented in the Olympic emblem.
50. The best title for the passage will be _____ .
51. Writing simpleInstructions: choose one of the following topics and write one paragraph (~150 words) . 1. Write about the book (English or Russian) you are reading now. Why did you choose to read it? What genre does it belong to? Is the plot interesting? What character appeals to you most? Would you recommend the book to your friends? 2. Did you like to get birthday presents when you were a child? What present do you remember best? What was it? Was it something unexpected? Do you still have it? 3. Do you have brothers or sisters in the family? Are you good friends? Do you spend much time together? Do you wish sometimes you were an only child in the family? Why?
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